
Everyday I try to produce some kind of art, recently this has manifested in the form of taking and editing lots and lots of photos.

In the future I'll add some specific categories perhaps to showcase design work or my watercolours but for now I've just wired up the feed from my Pixelfed account below:

Got stuck this morning, it was still there some 10 hours later. I can't blame them, on a day like today West Vanco...

Got stuck this morning, it was still there some 10 hours later. I can't blame them, on a day like today West Vancouver is not a huge priority for the transit.

18 January 2024
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My daughter and I found a very special area off the beaten trail in West Vancouver, it was like a journey to a land out ...

My daughter and I found a very special area off the beaten trail in West Vancouver, it was like a journey to a land out of time. One of the most beautiful places I've been.

16 January 2024
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Breaking at Stanley Park, I was helping my daughter with her camera, this caught us both a bit off guard....

Breaking at Stanley Park, I was helping my daughter with her camera, this caught us both a bit off guard.

13 January 2024
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More images from our walk on Cypress mid-December. I've been playing with Darkroom vs Photomator. The colours are...

More images from our walk on Cypress mid-December.

I've been playing with Darkroom vs Photomator. The colours are, admittedly, a bit odd in some of these I need to get better at colour grading - ever since I was a kid using Final Cut Studio my grading has always skewed blue.

2 January 2024
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A walk up Cypress. December 9th (I think), just processing a lot of my December photos now....

A walk up Cypress. December 9th (I think), just processing a lot of my December photos now.

30 December 2023
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